Meticulous Interactive Sessions on Entomological Intelligence and other Vector-Borne Diseases

The Voice of Chandigarh/Canada:

H. C. Gera (Special Correspondent)

I was indeed fascinated by the name ‘Absolute Human Care Foundation’ and the tag line EMPATHY IS HUMAN, HELPING IS HUMANITY. It is a Non-Governmental Organization incepted during the year 2017. The foundation is committed to improving the lives of the poor people and the downtrodden section of society. The Association has another star attraction, having researchers, administrators and social business stalwarts as representatives in this group. The fact is that all members are working with a vision to contribute something for the cause of the society with a zest and zeal. The future tasks of the AHC Foundation are equally interesting when it intends to start India’s rustic segment in helping the individuals for keeping pace with the rest of the Nation. 

The Interactive Sessions on Entomological Intelligence

Dr. Pradeep Srivastava and Dr. R.S Sharma as Directors of the AHC Foundation shared the information about the experts who gave deliberations on varied topics regarding Entomological Intelligence. To mention a few names of the experts who enlightened the registered candidates ranging from over 100 to 250 on various sessions. These are Dr. S.N. Sharma, Urban Malaria Vector Control, Dr. Kalpana Barua Dengue Transmission, Dr. Rajpal Yadav, Insecticide resistance monitoring, IRM Need and Concept, Dr. B.N. Nagpal, Taxonomy and identification of Mosquitoes, Dr. R. S. Sharma, Entomological Surveillance parameters & their significance and Dr.P.K. Srivastava, Integrated Vector Management. There were several other speakers who spoke and shared their knowledge on various topics relating to vector-borne diseases.

The topics covered by the experts were the latest ones which gave an insight to the participating members about the Entomological Intelligence and other related studies for the benefit of upcoming Entomologists and Biologists working in various states of the country. It must be emphasized that during the COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown period it was best to organize the teaching programme in a meticulous manner.

The Directors of the Absolute Human Care Foundation spoke to The Voice of Chandigarh about the interactive sessions and future strategy. Their views are elucidated as under:-

Dr. R. S. Sharma: Former Head, Additional Director, “Centre for Medical Entomology and Vector control” and Ex Additional Director, National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), Ministry of Health, Government of India.

Capacity Building an ongoing Process by Absolute Human Care Foundation

According to Dr. Sharma, at present no training programmes are being organized by various departments of Govt. of India due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Absolute Human Care Foundation, therefore, decided to strengthen the capacity building by organizing lectures from the experts. It is an ongoing process to equip the official to perform better wherever the Entomologists and Biologists are presently posted. The feedback by the trainees and other Participants is encouraging. The majority of them feel that training was organized regularly by ICMR, NICD and NVBDCP and some other capacity-building institutes by the state governments but under present circumstances, such programmes have been put on hold. Thus Capacity Building by the stalwarts under the aegis of Absolute Human Care Foundation proved to be a boon for them.

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Srivastava: Former Joint Director and Head of the Division of Entomology & Vector Control in National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Country’s Nodal Officer for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis.

Our Endeavor is to impart knowledge through our experts across the globe

Our commitment is to impart knowledge to the participants on various entomological and epidemiological aspects of vector-borne diseases. For that matter, we are inviting experts from various fields all across the globe. The faculty members are widely known for their expertise and proficiency who have exhibited their calibre during their deliberations. The international experts from W.H.O. and other organizations have left indelible impressions on the minds of the aspiring participants including our own community of Entomologists and Biologists. We are trying to rope in more experts with having specialization in the prevention and elimination of several Vector-Borne Diseases. Ongoing interactive sessions will continue till the end of this year.  The strategy for next year is being chalked out. No wonder, The Absolute Human Foundation is going to expand the span of wings in other countries by continuing similar sessions on a broader spectrum.

Dr. R. R. Sharma : A technocrat with 30 years’ experience with Govt. of India Organizations as Director (Marketing), Board member and General Manager (Business Development). He has specialization in marketing, strategic corporate planning, international trade, business development

Technical collaboration for Improving epidemic malaria planning, preparedness and response for Malaria Elimination between AHCF –India and SADC countries

While speaking to The Voice of Chandigarh, Dr. R. R. Sharma shared that we have Technical Collaboration for improving epidemic Malaria planning, preparedness and response for Malaria Elimination between AHCF – India and SADC countries. 

Malaria is a major public health problem for countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The endemicity of malaria across these countries is prone to periodic epidemics. Epidemics of Malaria are frequently triggered by climate anomalies because of periods of drought. Many parts of Southern Africa have suffered a rainfall deficit for the last many years. There is a problem of drug and insecticide resistance. That is why SADC countries have adopted the Abuja targets for Rollback Malaria in Africa.

Regular interactions through zoom meetings by the experts of National and International repute has made the AHCF –India presence felt across the globe.

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