Black Ribbon Day: Statement from Premier Kenney

Black Ribbon Day: Statement from Premier Kenney

The Voice of Canada News:

Premier Jason Kenney issued the following statement in memory of the victims of Nazi and Stalinist tyranny:

“Human history has been filled with too many tyrants who committed mass crimes. On Black Ribbon Day, we especially remember the victims of the 20th century Stalinist and Nazi tyrannies.

“In both war and peace, these tyrannies committed slaughters on horrific scales, drowning their continents in blood. These were planned, deliberate mass murders that took place behind barbed wire concentration camps and in gulags, factories and collective farms. No one from the oppressed populations were safe and tens of millions suffered and died.

“As we do today, we must always preserve the horrific memories of these human slaughters and honour the slain by condemning their killers with the light of truth. This is our duty.”

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