Common Sense Conservatives Are Fighting For Canadians

Common Sense Conservatives Are Fighting For Canadians

The Voice of Canada :

After eight years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians are struggling. This year, more Canadians visited food banks than ever before. Life costs more and work doesn’t pay. Housing costs have doubled. Crime and chaos, drugs and disorder, are now common on our streets. Life wasn’t like this before Justin Trudeau, and it won’t be like this after he’s gone. This fall, Conservatives fought hard to turn the hurt Trudeau caused into the hope that Canadians desperately need.- Pierre Poilievre

Since September, common sense Conservatives have been working nonstop to force the Liberals to axe the tax and stop putting more fuel on the inflationary fire with their reckless spending and deficits. We have:

  • Forced the Liberals into panic mode over their punishing carbon tax, which led to Trudeau announcing a temporary pause on the tax on home heating oil until after the election.
  • Held the Trudeau Government to account for their intimidation campaign on the Senate where they’re trying to delay the passing of Bill C-234, which will make food cheaper for Canadians by axing the tax off farmers.
  • Defended working Canadians against the Liberals’ Fall Economic Statement, which is pouring gasoline on the inflationary fire and keeping interest rates higher for longer.
  • Given Trudeau a taste of the misery he is causing Canadians, placing thousands of amendments at committee and in the House of Commons and forcing all-night around-the-clock voting to block the Liberals’ $20 billion of inflationary spending until they agree to axe the tax for farmers, First Nations and families.
  • Provided Canadians with the transparency they deserve over the $54 million ArriveScam app, which is now being investigated by the RCMP.
  • Held the Liberals to account over their quarter-billion dollar payment to a Beijing-controlled bank, demanding to know when Canadians will get the money back. 
  • Launched the Building Homes, Not Bureaucracy Act, to increase incentives to municipalities that built homes while punishing municipalities that continue to stand in the way of development with NIMBY policies.
  • Called on the Prime Minister to come clean and release the multi-billion dollar contracts he signed with Stellantis, Volkswagen, and Northvolt so that taxpayers know how much their on the hook for, and how many foreign replacement workers were hired instead of Canadians.
  • Introduced a Bill to amend the criminal code that will protect rural Canadians and farm families from crime.
  • Forced the Liberals to include open banking in their Fall Economic Statement, so Canadians have more choice over their banking, bringing more competition and lowering prices for everyone.
  • Exposed massive corruption and a government cover-up at Trudeau’s $1 billion green slush fund. We’ve now forced two ethics investigations into the former Chair and a Director, and forced the Auditor General to investigate the fund.
  • Passed a motion that will work to include people with disabilities in education both internationally and domestically.

The work is just getting started but it’s now clear to Canadians that Justin Trudeau is not worth the cost. Only Pierre Poilievre and the common sense Conservatives will axe the tax, end inflationary deficits, build more homes, and bring home lower prices for all Canadians.

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