Conservatives are at it again, playing games with the safety of Canadians: MP Sahota

The Voice of Canada news:

Conservative Senators in Committee continued in their attempts to undermine common-sense firearms regulation, putting all Canadians at risk. Among the common-sense measures that Conservatives have gutted from bill C-71 are: lifetime background checks for applications or renewals of firearms licenses, proper record keeping for gun sales and the elimination of political intervention in firearms classification.

Bill C-71, introduced by the federal government in the spring of 2018, is a piece of common-sense firearms legislation that prioritizes public safety and effective police work, while treating law-abiding firearms owners in a fair and reasonable manner.

While New Zealand recovers from its worst terrorist attack in its history, they have taken quick and decisive steps to ban the automatic weapons used by a white nationalist to murder 50 people peacefully attending prayer services at two local Mosques. Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives would have us go backwards; in fact, they have even gone so far as to promote a fundraiser at a shooting range, using that same type of weapon that was used in the terrorist attack. This is insensitive and quite frankly unconscionable.

At time of increasing gun violence, we Liberals are looking to support provinces, municipalities and local law enforcement in their efforts to disrupt gangs, prosecute offenders, prevent young people from being drawn into gangs in the first place and to help them exit that destructive lifestyle. This is what Andrew’s Scheer’s Conservative are obstructing in the Senate.

Despite these games, our government remains undeterred, and we will continue to work in the interest and safety of all Canadians.

“For years, my constituents have been telling me how the threat of gun and gang violence have made them feel unsafe in their neighbourhoods,” MP Ruby Sahota stated. “I am deeply concerned to see the Conservatives turn a blind eye to them. I am proud to support a government that will continue to fight for the solutions my constituents need.”

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