Deadly explosion in Lebanon: Premier Kenney

Deadly explosion in Lebanon: Premier Kenney

The Voice of Canada News:

Premier Jason Kenney issued the following statement regarding the deadly explosion in Beirut, Lebanon:

“As Albertans, we are saddened to hear about the massive deadly explosion that occurred in the port area of Beirut, Lebanon.

“While we do not yet know the exact cause of the explosion, we know that the effect of the blast has been devastating. The death toll, already in the dozens, seems destined to rise over the next few days. There are thousands injured, and we fear their number will grow as well.

“Alberta shares a great friendship with Lebanon. Our province has been home to people of Lebanese heritage for more than a century, and they have played an important part in building today’s Alberta.

“We offer our heartfelt condolences to those who have lost their lives and those left to mourn, and our sympathy to the injured.

“To the many Albertans who have family living in Lebanon, we join you in hope that your loved ones are safe. We offer you our thoughts, our prayers and our love.”

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