Message from the  Mélanie Joly,  Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie

Message from the  Mélanie Joly,  Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie

As fall sets in, I want to say a few words about the remarkable summer Canada’s tourism industry had.

Tourism is a vital part of the Canadian economy, and the sector is growing. It is our top service export, it is responsible for one in 10 jobs in Canada, and it offers iconic, unique and share-worthy experiences, cultures and adventures that challenge travellers.

The industry and the talented people who contribute to it work hard, day after day, to develop and showcase Canada’s unique tourism offerings. And it’s paying off! From June to August, Canada welcomed 8.9 million international tourists—an increase of 1.8% over summer 2017. This is an outstanding achievement, and we know that together, we can build on it.

Worldwide, tourism is booming, and our economy can and should benefit from it. China accounts for one fifth of the world’s total tourism spending and is one of Canada’s fastest growing tourism markets. We have set the ambitious goal of doubling the number of Chinese tourists by 2021.

Canada is unique because of its wide open spaces, welcoming citizens and rich culture. Chinese visitors and visitors from all over the world are looking for the kind of experiences our land and our people have to offer. Destination Canada’s Canadian Signature Experiences are a good way to communicate this message globally, as they showcase a collection of authentic travel experiences found only in Canada.

As Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie, I want to make sure that the tourism sector gets the recognition it deserves. I want to help strengthen Canada’s brand and diversify our source of tourists and attractions.

To achieve this, over the next few months I will work with all our partners to develop a federal tourism strategy to help create new opportunities and good quality middle-class jobs. I look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions for unlocking Canada’s enormous potential.

Mélanie Joly
Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie

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