MOKSHI VIRK : Position running for City Councillor for Wards 7 & 8

MOKSHI VIRK : Position running for City Councillor for Wards 7 & 8

The Voice of Canada News:

Position running for City Councillor for Wards 7 & 8

Current occupation: Realtor

Volunteer work/community involvement: As the Founder-Director of Indo-Canadian Arts and Culture Initiative (ICACI), I have hosted several women empowerment and recognition events for the past 6 years. I have also actively volunteered in Carabram, Peel Multicultural Festival, MS Walk, and Langar Seva. I am also a member of the International Trade Committee with the Brampton Board of Trade and Mentorship and New Immigrants Committee of Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce.

Priorities: My priorities include improving transit with reduced gridlock (LRT, weekend service of GO trains), advocacy for anti-poverty and homelessness measures, creating more recreational hubs for seniors in wards 7 & 8, offering more skill-based training, opportunities for youth and freezing taxes. I understand the vital role that businesses play in building a stronger economy and creating jobs. I believe that forming strategic alliances and raising Brampton’s investment profile will help attract and retain new businesses to the city that will support job growth. Engaging with private and public sectors as partners in managing and sustaining growth in socially- and fiscally-responsible ways will ensure a quality of life within our communities that both the present and future generations will enjoy.

Why are you running: I am running because I will bring the voice of diversity to the Council. Brampton is made up of diverse communities with individual and unique needs. I will deliver the promise of transparent, responsive, and results-driven leadership in the Council. As a proud resident of Brampton, business owner, community activist and family person, I have already advocated for and engaged in building a stronger, equitable, more inclusive community. I see my role as a City Councillor, a continuation of that work, with a larger breadth and greater depth due to the larger size of the population, helping them realize their vision for a vibrant community in which they want to live. Local Governments play an essential role in helping to translate that vision to reality. Throughout my campaign, I reiterate my vision to work as a strong and inclusive team player across the region, province and nation wholeheartedly supporting businesses, not for profit organizations, and individuals to achieve their goals. I bring a proven track record of inclusiveness, community leadership, philanthropy, and advocacy to help harness our collective ideas and energy to create a world-class city.

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