MP Sahota: Family Day – A Time to Reflect

MP Sahota: Family Day – A Time to Reflect

The Voice of Canada News:

I was scrolling through Facebook and it notified me of a picture of my family – a 5 year old memory, and it got me thinking…it’s so magical watching your children grow, learn so many amazing things, and slowly develop into the adults they will one day become. In the moment, it all seems so long, the never ending meal times, the sleepless nights and crying, but then when you look back, it all seems like it’s gone in a flash. I’m appreciating every stage of the journey but looking at this picture I do miss the cuddles and carrying my son around in my arms.

However, as I watch my son grow, I also realize it’s not only children who grow, parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

It was around the time that this picture was taken that I really started thinking about what my next step in life was going to be, would I go back to practicing law or take on a new adventure in politics? Advocating for people was something I had been passionate about my whole life and both paths allowed me to do that in different ways. Running for office was a decision I had to think really hard about as I was a young mother after all. Politics would be something I would have to devote a lot of time to, and living in the public eye comes with many challenges, but I knew that my son would be watching too. He would be watching to see if his mother is driven and someone who follows her dreams. Someone who stands up for what she believes in and someone who can be compassionate to the plight of others. I want my son to know that no challenge is too big or too hard. That in Canada, regardless of where you come from, your gender, the colour of your skin – anything is possible!

However, I did not get here on my own. I had a team of family, friends and volunteers around me that believed in me and helped me achieve my dreams. So I hope my son learns that surrounding himself with good people and building bridges is very important – no man is an Island.

I owe the great people of Brampton North a thank you for supporting me one way or another. Brampton North has encouraged me and challenged me every step of the way; this has allowed me to grow in ways they will never know. But I think my son will know. He has been able to watch his mom be a leader, serve the Brampton community we live in and advocate for everyday people at the highest level of government in this country.

As you celebrate Family Day, take a moment to appreciate those around you, but also appreciate yourself for who you are to them.

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