Ontario Boosts the Fight Against Crime with a $6 Million Investment in Police Services

Ontario Boosts the Fight Against Crime with a $6 Million Investment in Police Services

Proceeds of crime to be reinvested into frontline community safety initiatives

The Voice of Canada News:

The government is delivering on its plan to build safer and healthier communities by investing $6 million over three years to help police fight crime in priority areas.

Police services across the province, including municipal, provincial and First Nations, are eligible to apply for funding under the Proceeds of Crime — Front-Line Policing (POC-FLP) Grant. The POC-FLP Grant uses assets forfeited by the provincial and federal governments during criminal prosecutions to help the police carry out targeted crime prevention projects in the community.

“When we invest in our men and women in uniform, we get results,” said Premier Doug Ford. “The grant is a double blow to organized crime. When our police cut off the resources the crooks use to fund their illegal operations, we take that money and give it back to police services, so they keep fighting crime and keeping us safe.”

The POC-FLP Grant will give police services and their community partners the resources they need to stop violent criminals and put them behind bars, with a focus on one or more of the following three key priorities:

Gun and gang violence
Sexual violence and harassment
Human trafficking

“Public safety is a top priority for this government. We remain committed to providing frontline police and our justice sector partners with the tools they need to do their jobs,” said Sylvia Jones, Solicitor General. “Any time we have the opportunity as a society to right a wrong we should seize it, and with this grant program, that’s exactly what we are doing.”

This additional investment builds on the government’s strategy to combat gun and gang violence across the province.

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