Ontario Continues to Support Job Creators and Workers

Ontario Continues to Support Job Creators and Workers

Premier Ford and the PC Government are Bringing Good Jobs Back to Ontario

The Voice of Canada News:

The government of Ontario will continue their work to bring good jobs back to the people. Statistics Canada announced December job numbers this morning, and Ontario saw a net increase of 17,600 jobs.

“Our government is creating an environment where businesses can thrive, grow and create good jobs — and where the people of Ontario can build their careers and support their families,” said Todd Smith, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. “We remain committed to working with job creators to ensure a stable and competitive business environment that protects workers, and creates jobs, opportunity and growth.”

The Ontario government acted immediately to fulfill their promise of making Ontario Open for Business. In just a few months, the government brought forward two major pieces of legislation that make it easier for businesses to thrive and create good jobs.

In November, the Making Ontario Open for Business Act became law, removing burdensome red tape that prevented businesses from creating jobs and expanding opportunities for workers. Additionally, the Act modernized the apprenticeship system, and reduced red tape in the skilled trades, creating more opportunities for apprentices and employers.

Following this legislative success, the government introduced the Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act. If passed, the legislation will help create jobs by eliminating red tape, and unnecessary, outdated and duplicative regulations that do nothing to protect workers or the environment. This legislation will help businesses grow, create and protect good jobs for the people of Ontario.

The government will continue to fulfill its promise to make Ontario open for business by cutting red tape, resisting the federally imposed carbon tax, and acting further to reduce electricity costs.

Ontario was also on the forefront of successfully lobbying the federal government for measures to accelerate the deduction of business expenses. This encourages companies to invest and responds to similar measures enacted in the U.S. The province has committed to match the federal measures and has made this part of Ontario’s fiscal plan.

“Since day one, we’ve told the people of Ontario that we would create and protect good, local jobs all over the province – and we’ve kept that promise,” said Smith. “We are getting government out of the way, so that job creators can do what they do best – create good jobs for the hardworking people of Ontario. Because our government believes that if you’re prepared to do the work, you deserve a shot at the job. Ontario is open for business.”

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