Ontario Establishes Construction Advisory Panel

Ontario Establishes Construction Advisory Panel

New advisory panel to advise Minister on wide range of construction issues from health and safety to labour laws

The Voice of Canada News:

New advisory panel to advise Minister on wide range of construction issues from health and safety to labour laws

The Ontario government is partnering with the construction sector by establishing a special advisory panel to provide advice on a broad range of workplace issues, Minister of Labour Monte McNaughton announced.

The Construction Advisory Panel will provide input on issues of interest in the construction sector to the Minister of Labour. Issues could include labour and employment law, the rise of new equipment and technologies, workplace health and safety, and injury prevention. The panel will provide an opportunity for the Minister to hear the different perspectives and concerns from construction industry partners.

“Construction is a vital engine of growth for our economy, creating good quality jobs across our province. That’s why it’s important that we listen to and work closely with our construction partners,” said McNaughton. “This is an opportunity for the construction sector to bring their issues, concerns and changing trends directly to me and our ministry.”

In order to get proper buy-in of both labour and management, it is important that a balance be struck between these groups. For this reason, the panel will be made up of between 8-12 members, with the following composition:

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