Ontario Launches Consultation on Building More Homes that People Need and Can Afford

Province Seeks Feedback on Proposed Changes to Provincial Policy Statement

The Voice of Canada News:

The Ontario Government is cutting red tape that is slowing down the process of building more homes that people need and can afford.

As part of the More Homes, More Choice: Ontario’s Housing Supply Action Plan, the government is consulting on proposed changes to the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) — which sets out direction for land use planning in the province.

“Seniors are looking to down-size and young families don’t see a path to homeownership. That’s why we are proposing changes to provincial policies that would spur and speed up the construction of more and different types of housing that can meet the needs of people in different stages of life,” said Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “I encourage Ontarians to provide their feedback directly to my ministry during this 90-day consultation period.”

The proposed changes to the PPS would continue to maintain protections for health and safety, the environment – including the Greenbelt – and support the province’s vibrant agricultural sector.

The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) establishes province-wide direction on land use planning matters that guide municipal decision-making.
The proposed changes aim to align with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
Currently, it can take years of paperwork before a shovel ever breaks ground on a new housing or business project. Red tape and delays make it hard to get housing to market quickly and to build the right mix of housing in the right locations.

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