Ontario’s Job Creators Support Making Ontario Open for Business

Ontario’s Job Creators Support Making Ontario Open for Business

Removing job-killing burdens urgently needed and long overdue to make it easier for businesses to hire and workers to find jobs

The Voice of Canada News:

Premier Doug Ford addressed the Ontario Economic Summit to outline the province’s plan to make Ontario Open for Business, grow the economy and help protect and create good jobs across the province, including the Making Ontario Open for Business Act, which was introduced in the Ontario legislature this week.

“The policies we announced this week are what Open for Business is all about,” said Ford. “These reforms will cut red tape, grow our economy and create new and better jobs. Our reforms will make it easier for businesses to grow and hire new workers, and make it easier for people to build their careers right here at home.”

During his remarks, Ford previewed the next step in Ontario’s new ‘Open for Business’ campaign, a series of signs that will be strategically placed near border crossings throughout Ontario to promote Ontario as a prime destination for investment and job creation.

Earlier in the week, Ontario’s Government for the People announced a series of regulatory and legislative changes that, if passed by Ontario’s Legislature, will make it easier for Ontario employers to hire and will ensure workers have easier access to jobs and career growth in Ontario.

“We’ve heard loud and clear that red tape, layered on by the previous Liberal government is squeezing businesses and driving jobs and investment out of our province,” said Jim Wilson, Ontario’s Minister Responsible for Red Tape and Regulatory Burden Reduction. “Ontario’s job creators know best that regulatory burden on businesses must be reduced to pave the way for job creation and new investment.”

Minister Wilson, Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance and Chair of Cabinet, and Merrilee Fullerton, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, also addressed the summit and heard from delegates at panel sessions.

“The focus of our plan is to make Ontario a great place to invest, grow and create jobs once again,” said Fedeli. “That starts by cutting unnecessary red tape. Under the previous administration, the number of regulations in Ontario ballooned to more than double that of some provinces, such as British Columbia – duplicative and wasteful regulations that raise the cost of doing business without doing anything to protect Ontario individuals, families or businesses.”

The Making Ontario Open for Business Act will, if passed by Ontario’s Legislature, enable more Ontario employers to boost job creation and investment by cutting unnecessary regulations that are inefficient, inflexible and out of date, while maintaining standards to keep Ontarians safe and healthy.

“Today’s reforms are vital to train new workers and create new and better paying jobs,” said Fullerton. “Business confidence rises when there are predictable and reasonable regulations which will ensure that every worker has a safe workplace and new opportunities to secure a good job.”

“Our government has been very clear since day one – we are making Ontario open for business,” said Ford. “We will bring quality jobs back to Ontario and help all families get ahead.”

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