Premier Doug Ford Welcomes Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe to Queen’s Park

The Voice of Canada news|May 10, 2019

TORONTO — Premier Doug Ford hosted Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe for a working meeting at Queen’s Park to take action on the issues that matter most to the people of both provinces. “Ontario stands shoulder to shoulder with Premier Moe and the people of Saskatchewan. We will use every tool at our disposal to get rid of the job-killing carbon tax,” said Ford. “Our governments will work together to support natural resources workers who depend on pipelines and farmers who need improved access to get their crops to international markets.
“The premiers are calling on the federal government to scrap its anti-competitiveness agenda. During their meeting, Ford and Moe discussed the need to immediately resolve the ongoing trade dispute with the U.S. and end the job-killing steel and aluminum tariffs. They also reinforced their opposition to the introduction of new anti-energy and resource development policies, like Bill C-69.”It was a pleasure to join Premier Ford in Toronto today to discuss areas of shared importance to the provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan,” said Moe. “Just as Premier Ford has been a strong ally in the fight against the carbon tax, he continues to be a strong partner in reducing inter-provincial trade barriers. Our provinces will continue to work on removing needless red-tape.”Ford and Moe also announced concrete steps to show support for job creation, economic development and interjurisdictional trade.
They agreed to work toward the creation of a Joint Red Tape Reduction Working Group to engage with the private sector and identify ways to reduce interprovincial trade barriers.The two leaders said they will keep working together to advance the priorities set out in their joint MOU and welcomed other provinces to join their efforts to remove internal trade barriers.
The federal carbon tax will cost a typical household $648 a year by 2022.

Ontario and Saskatchewan signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on October 29, 2018 aimed at reducing trade barriers between their provinces. 
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