Put self-care at the top of your list this holiday season

Put self-care at the top of your list this holiday season

The end of the year is a joyous time, but for some people it can be difficult

The Voice of Canada News:

This year, instead of worrying about finding the perfect gift, attending all the parties or pretending everything is perfect, make sure you make time to take care of yourself and put your well-being first.

The holiday season can bring added pressures, such as travelling, busy schedules, financial strain, increased expectations and sad memories. These demands can affect your well-being, especially for people dealing with loneliness, trauma, grief, mental illness or substance-use challenges.

To help manage your wellness this holiday season, keep these simple tips in mind.

Talk it out. Just because it’s the holidays does not mean you cannot be honest about how you are feeling. Sometimes talking to a loved one, a trusted friend or a health-care professional can make all the difference.
Do not over-extend yourself. Prioritize your time so you can relax and enjoy the season with people you care about.
Beware of overindulgence. Because alcohol is a depressant, having a few too many spirits can actually dampen your spirit. Also, too many treats can leave you feeling tired and lethargic. Try to maintain your regular eating and sleeping habits as much as possible.

Stay within budget. Finances can become a huge source of stress. Make yourself a budget for the season and stay within it.

Practice stress-busting activities all year. By managing your wellness throughout the year through exercise, meditation, time with friends and family or other activities, you will have an easier time coping with the stressors the festive season can bring.

For added support, many mental-health and substance-use services and supports are available throughout the province for adults, youth and children. By taking the time to take care of yourself, you and your loved ones can have a happier, healthier holiday season.

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