Quebec and Ottawa award $1.3 million to promote the growth of Quebec’s electronic systems industry

The Voice of Canada News:

The governments of Quebec and Canada have awarded a total of $1,335,000 in financial assistance to the Pôle d’excellence de l’industrie des systèmes électroniques du Québec (ISEQ) to support the implementation of its 2018–2021 action plan. This strategic plan, the objective of which is to support and mobilize Quebec companies and players evolving in this industry’s ecosystem, is based on specific orientations relating to issues in the sector: the vitality of the sector, and market development; funding and investment; innovation and R&D; and skilled labour.

The announcement was made by Isabelle Charest, Minister for Education, Minister responsible for the Status of Women and Member of the National Assembly for Brome-Missisquoi, acting on behalf of Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of the Economy and Innovation; and the Honourable Denis Paradis, Member of Parliament for Brome‑Missisquoi, acting on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED).

To support this initiative, valued at $2,377,707, the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation (MEI) has awarded $750,000 through the Programme d’appui au développement des secteurs stratégiques et des créneaux d’excellence (PADS); and the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation (MAMH) has allocated $135,000 under the Fonds d’appui au rayonnement des régions (FARR). CED has provided a $450,000 non-repayable contribution under the Quebec Economic Development Program.

The Pôle d’excellence de l’industrie des systèmes électroniques du Québec brings together businesses, associations and partners, as well as collaborators and educational institutions, whose activities are related to the development and marketing of computer and electronic processes and products. Electronic components and systems are found in a wide range of products and are also key to many innovations that are helping transform and improve a number of areas of activity, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and innovative manufacturing. They provide various opportunities for all businesses in the industry, notably as concerns exporting in the avionics, transportation, health, communications, and home automation sectors.

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