Statement from Minister Tibollo Marking Italian Heritage Month

Michael Tibollo, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, issued the following statement on the occasion of Italian Heritage Month:

“Here in Ontario, we recognize June as Italian Heritage Month. This month of significance gives us the chance to acknowledge and celebrate the vital contributions that Italian-Canadians have made to the prosperity and growth of our province.

Ontario is home to more than a million people of Italian ancestry, one of the largest Italian diasporas in the world. When they came to Canada, Italian immigrants faced many hardships as newcomers, but they also brought their rich cultural heritage, a dedication to family and a strong work ethic.

This community has made – and continues to make – notable achievements in the arts, entertainment, sports, education, science, business and politics. And we should never forget those who have given their lives for their country.

I would like to thank the Italian community for its many contributions, and invite all Ontarians to learn more about the rich heritage of our neighbours of Italian origin and the inspirational role that they have played and continue to play in our province.

Let’s join them this month to celebrate the values of diversity, openness and respect for our differences that unite us all and make our province stronger.”

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