The Government of Canada is investing more than $9.3 million to support Francophone minority communities

The Government of Canada is investing more than $9.3 million to support Francophone minority communities

The Voice of Canada News:

Francophone immigration plays a crucial role in growing the Canadian economy, in promoting the vitality of Francophone minority communities and in meeting labour needs across the country.

On this International Francophonie Day, the Honourable Rachel Bendayan, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced $9.3 million of funding for 12 new projects aimed at supporting the economic development and demographic growth of Francophone minority communities.

Reporting to the Centre for Innovation in Francophone Immigration, these projects are financed through the Francophone Immigration Support Program. They aim to promote Francophone minority communities, the recruitment and selection of French-speaking applicants, as well as the support of these applicants towards permanent residence.

Some of these projects also contribute to the collection and analysis of evidence to establish concrete actions to reduce the barriers to Francophone immigration.


“On this International Francophonie Day, I am pleased to announce concrete investments for the growth of Francophone communities. By continuing our efforts, we will ensure the future and sustainability of our cultural and linguistic landscape, which defines our country’s identity.”-The Honourable Rachel Bendayan, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Quick facts

  • The Centre for Innovation in Francophone Immigration (CIFI) has the national mandate to integrate the Francophone perspective into immigration programs, promote these programs to Francophone employers and stakeholders, and make these programs more accessible in order to improve the selection and admission of Francophone applicants. The CIFI web page will provide more information on the funding and details of each of the 12 projects.
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