U.S. Department of Homeland Security hosts Mayor Patrick Brown at Port of Newark with Peel Regional Police Deputy Chief Nick Milinovich to outline approach to combatting auto thefts in U.S.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security hosts Mayor Patrick Brown at Port of Newark with Peel Regional Police Deputy Chief Nick Milinovich to outline approach to combatting auto thefts in U.S.

The Voice of Canada :

Mayor Patrick Brown, one of Canada’s most vocal advocates against auto theft, toured the Port of Newark following an invitation by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Accompanying Mayor Brown was Peel Regional Police Deputy Chief Nick Milinovich. The two-day visit included tours of the facility and grounds, as well as operational updates from law enforcement agencies and Port Authority officials. The briefings on security protocols and general port operations demonstrated how the United States employs advanced technology to combat auto theft at its ports.

MBPRP.jpgMayor Brown and Deputy Chief Milinovich visit U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Port of Newark to collaborate to combat auto theft at the border

​As the busiest commercial port in the Eastern Seaboard, the Port of Newark is renowned for its cutting-edge systems that screen key shipping routes, ensuring stolen goods do not leave the country. According to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, it is currently the number one port in the U.S. for auto theft recovery. The invitation from Homeland Security provided Mayor Brown and Deputy Chief Milinovich with insights into these technologies and practices, which they plan to incorporate into their efforts in Peel Region.

Mayor Brown and Peel Regional Police will compile a detailed report based on their observations and recommendations from the tour and meetings with law enforcement and submit the findings to Public Safety Canada for consideration. This initiative underscores Mayor Brown’s resolute effort to combat lucrative revenue streams for organized crime in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).


“The United States has set a precedent that it is entirely possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. You can protect supply chains and simultaneously scan containers and cargo, ensuring only lawful goods circulate through our ports. It’s high time Canada adopts these proven strategies and tools to safeguard our own borders from the scourge of auto theft.” -Patrick Brown, Mayor, City of Brampton

“Adding scanners at our ports and intermodal hubs is crucial for law enforcement. It gives us the tool we need in our arsenal and is an additional layer that would allow us to increase our ability to identify and interdict vehicles destined for export.” -Nick Milinovich, Deputy Chief, Peel Regional Police

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