Another Increase to the Canada Child Tax Benefit Coming Soon

The Voice of Canada News, July 15,2019

Ms. Ruby Sahota, Member of Parliament is proud that helping hard-working middle- class families provide the best start in life for their children is a top priority for the Federal Liberal Government. That is why three years ago the Government launched the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) to help families with the high cost of raising kids. In July 2018, the CCB was increased to keep up with the cost of living, to give parents even more money each month to help them provide for their children. Starting on July 20, 2019, the
CCB will be raised once again to keep up with the rate of inflation. The CCB—which is targeted to middle-class families and the people working hard to join the middle class—is simpler, tax free and provides more money to 9 out of 10 families than previous child benefit programs. “The Canada Child Benefit has helped millions of middle-class Canadian families since its
creation in 2016. Today’s announcement means more money in the pockets of Canadians,” said MP Sahota. “In Brampton North, the CCB helps over 26 000 children and reflects our government’s commitment to ensuring that this tax-free benefit continues to help the middle class and the people working hard to join it.” The CCB has been recognized by the International Monetary Fund, the Bank of Canada and other experts as a key contributor to helping strengthen Canada’s middle class. Canada’s poverty rate is at the lowest level in Canadian history and thanks to the CCB, we have lifted nearly 300,000 children out of poverty.

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