Awards recognize heritage preservation efforts

Awards recognize heritage preservation efforts

The Voice of Canada News:

Albertans are being honoured for their work to preserve and share the stories of our province at the 2018 Alberta Historical Resources Foundation Heritage Awards.

Awards recognize heritage preservation efforts

David Shepherd, MLA for Edmonton-Centre, (far right) joined in honouring recipients of the 2018 Alberta Historical Resources Foundation Heritage Awards at Government House.

The biennial awards honour the contributions of individuals, organizations, businesses, Indigenous communities and municipalities engaged in heritage preservation and appreciation in the following categories: Outstanding Achievement, Heritage Conservation, Heritage Awareness, Indigenous Heritage and Youth Heritage.

“Thanks to the contributions of individual Albertans, heritage organizations, business and community leaders, the stories of our province’s past will continue to be shared with generations to come. Recipients of the 2018 heritage awards are leading the way – helping to strengthen the cultural fabric of Alberta and inspiring others to get involved in preserving our rich history and heritage.”

Ricardo Miranda, Minister of Culture and Tourism

The recipients of this year’s awards include:

Outstanding Achievement

  • Sheila Willis, Smith
  • Don Gillespie, Calgary
  • Carl William (Bill) Marquardt, Lacombe

Heritage Conservation

  • Beljan Development Ltd. for the conservation of the Tipton Investment Company Building in Edmonton
  • Highland Community Hall of Barich Society for the conservation of the Highland Hall at Barich

Heritage Awareness

  • Alberta Genealogical Society for Youth Workshops for Canada 150: In Search of My Family’s Past
  • Shiloh Centre for Multicultural Roots for their Oral History Project

Indigenous Heritage

  • Mellissa Reis for Tipi Teachings
  • Friends of Michel Society, Council of the Michel First Nation and Musée Héritage Museum for the Michel Band Exhibition
  • Blackfoot Confederacy Nations of Alberta, City of Lethbridge and Arrow Archaeology for their project on traditional knowledge and use assessment
  • Remembering the Children Society for Red Deer Industrial School commemorations

Youth Heritage

  • Jordan Born, Beaver County

Additional information on the 2018 award recipients is available on the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation Heritage Awards web page.

The awards program is an integral part of the Government of Alberta’s commitment to supporting heritage preservation efforts in communities throughout Alberta. A total of 70 awards have been presented to recipients from across the province since the program was reintroduced in 2005.

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