City of Brampton’s 2023 Budget receives Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

City of Brampton’s 2023 Budget receives Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

The Voice of Canada News:

Through thoughtful planning and responsible accounting practices, the City of Brampton has received a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for an eighth consecutive year for its 2023 Budget. 

The City of Brampton is one of 1,800 participants in the GFOA’s Budget Awards Program to achieve this recognition. Brampton’s budget needed to satisfy four requirements:

  • a policy document,
  • a financial plan,
  • an operations guide, and
  • a communications tool.

Brampton’s budget was also measured against criteria which include clear strategic goals and transparent explanations of funding and accounting practices. 

This award represents a significant achievement for the City of Brampton, reflecting its commitment to meeting the highest principles of transparency in government budgeting.

The 2023 Budget promotes safer, healthier, and more connected communities by providing equitable and inclusive recreation opportunities that promote an active and well-balanced lifestyle and reflect Brampton’s diversity. The Budget makes another record contribution to reserves, safety and security, and recreation and community centres. 


“It is an honour to be recognized by the GFOA with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for our budgeting efforts for an eighth year. We are dedicated to holding ourselves to the highest standard while taking significant steps forward in building a stronger Brampton. We remain steadfast in our commitment to transparency and earning the trust of Bramptonians as we work together to build a foundation for our future.”- Patrick Brown, Mayor, City of Brampton, Chair of Budget Committee

“We are very proud of our budget process. Thanks to thoughtful collaboration among Council, staff, residents and businesses, we are helping to shape a sustainable future for Brampton. We are thrilled to be recognized with this distinguished award.” – Paul Vicente, Regional Councillor, Wards 1 and 5; and Vice Chair, 2023 Budget Committee, City of Brampton

“I am extremely proud of the hard work and collaboration among Council, staff, residents and businesses in creating a meaningful budget that lays the groundwork for prosperity for our City. We are both humbled and thrilled to receive this award in government budgeting once again. We will continue to do our very best to develop strategic, fair and transparent budgets that prepare Brampton for a successful and sustainable future.” – Marlon Kallideen, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Brampton

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