Creating Training and Job Opportunities in Eastern Ontario

Province supporting new training partnership in Prescott, Brockville and Gananoque

The Voice of Canada News:

Ontario’s Government is helping the manufacturing sector in Eastern Ontario attract workers. The Brockville-based Employment and Education Centre will lead an innovative skills training project in close cooperation with employers in the region.

The Skills Advance Ontario project will help 50 unemployed participants gain the skills and work experience needed by manufacturing employers in Prescott, Brockville and Gananoque. Brockville’s Employment and Education Centre will partner with their Employment Ontario counterparts in Gananoque and Prescott (i.e., KEYS Job Centre and CSE Consulting), the economic development offices from Brockville, Gananoque, Prescott and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, St. Lawrence College and local employers to create a sector-specific skills curriculum, wrap-around supports and paid job placements for the trainees. Training for the first cohort of participants is expected to begin in September 2019.  

“I’m glad to see local educators, trainers and employers stepping up to create opportunities in Prescott, Brockville and Gananoque. Through this project, we’re giving 50 people a fair shot at leaving unemployment and gaining good, permanent jobs,” said Steve Clark, MPP for Leeds—Grenville

—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes. “And I’m proud that our government supports this effort.”

“Skills Advance Ontario projects are designed to help both businesses and jobseekers in a region,” said Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities. “When you tailor a training curriculum around the needs of local employers and offer effective employment supports for the participating trainees, you can achieve outcomes that make a difference.”

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