Ford Government once again looks the other way when faced with Brampton’s health care needs says Official Opposition NDP Deputy Leader and MPP for Brampton Centre Sara Singh

Ford Government once again looks the other way when faced with Brampton’s health care needs says Official Opposition NDP Deputy Leader and MPP for Brampton Centre Sara Singh

The Ford government continues refusal to build the new hospital Bramptonians desperately need

The Voice of Canada News:

BRAMPTON— Official Opposition NDP Deputy Leader and MPP for Brampton Centre Sara Singh released the following statement in response to Doug Ford’s doubling down on his ongoing refusal to build the new hospital Bramptonians have needed for years.

“For many years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Brampton has been ground zero for Ontario’s hallway medicine crisis, with Brampton families forced to wait for hours in waiting rooms only to be treated on gurneys in the hallway and Brampton health care workers forced to do more and more with less and less provincial support.

But despite multiple opportunities to support the people of Brampton by fully funding Brampton Civic, converting Peel Memorial Health Centre to a full-time 24-hour hospital and building a new hospital for our growing community, the Ford government voted against NDP motions allocating funding for a new Brampton hospital.


Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic has put even more pressure on Brampton’s already strained health care infrastructure. Doug Ford’s ongoing refusal to build this hospital amounts to condemning Bramptonians to more painfully long waits, hallway medicine, delayed surgeries, and strained response to future public health crises.

It’s shameful, and the people of Brampton deserve so much better.”

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