Government of Canada supports initiative to address workplace sexual harassment and improve access to justice in Ontario

The Voice of Canada News:

In Canada, all individuals have the right to a safe workplace with fair treatment for all. Sexual harassment impacts the health and well-being of those involved, as well as their ability to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. Creating and maintaining safe workplaces where everyone – no matter their gender or gender identity – can be safe, respected and able to focus on their work and career is a priority for the Government of Canada.

David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, announced funding for The Help and Legal Centre of Northumberland. This federal investment of $3,747,000 supports 20 legal clinics in Eastern, Northern and Southwestern Ontario. Together they will take a coordinated approach to the development and delivery of legal information and advice to individuals as well as public legal education on sexual harassment in the workplace.

The work of these clinics will improve access to justice for individuals who experience sexual harassment in their workplace by educating vulnerable people on their legal rights in regards to sexual harassment in the workplace.

Announcement is part of the Budget 2018’s $50 million over five years of funding to address sexual harassment. Of this amount, $25 million is dedicated to organizations so that they can increase their ability to provide legal advice and information to support complainants of sexual harassment in the workplace. Another $25 million is dedicated to organizations to enable them to provide public legal education and information to workers. Through both inititatives, the Government of Canada is helping organizations assist victims and take a stand against sexual harassment in the workplace.

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