INDIA SALES ASSOCIATES (ISA Tourism Pvt Ltd), the Regional Sales Office in India of the Singapore based international hotel chain – FAR EAST HOSPITALITY, is conducting a short and interactive product refresher cum Fun-Quiz session for the select travel operators across India.

Startedsince late Sep’20, these LEARN & EARN sessions will continue till Feb-March 2021. The sessions are aimed to engage the travel consultants of various agencies and location, enhance and refresh their knowledge and selling skills, as well as reward the 3 Quiz Winners with a certificate and cash money into their bank accounts. 


‘We are conscious of the reality that since March 2020 there are NIL outbound bookings coming to our travel partners. The stoppage due to pandemic has put everyone in a serious financial constraint. Since August’20 there are a number of virtual webinars, product presentations, panel discussions, online networking events etc happening for the readiness of revival. The embargo on international commercial flights has been dragging month-on-month, rightly so – to ensure safety first, but has led to the heightened anxiety and insecurity for all stakeholders in the outbound tourism segment. Therefore, we decided to hold only a short 15-minute product presentation with only a few agencies per session, followed by a fun quiz and token cash for the 3-winners to splurge during these festive months. As Regional Sales Office in India for FAR EAST HOSPITALITY [FEH], it is our endeavour to stay close with partners at all times and try to augment a positive outlook during this uncertain period. Looking at the enthusiastic participation and happy feedback from the consultants, we are satisfied with the outcome so far and shall continue to engage further – said MrManas Sinha, Regional Director, FEH and Director, ISA Tourism representation services’.

Further, aside being a hotel & tourism marketing company that brings new, relevant products for tour and travel operators, ISA Tourism Pvt Ltdis also encouraging travel consultants to interact and overcome stress and anxieties, take up short term alternate vocation, upskill, and evaluate the real vs imaginary distress. When international travel resumes, it would be work and revival for all! Until then we are in the same boat and only by keeping the boat steady we shall make it sail through this global storm.

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