MP Sahota Engages with Ryerson University on its Future in Brampton

MP Sahota Engages with Ryerson University on its Future in Brampton

The Voice of Canada:

Ruby Sahota, Member of Parliament for Brampton North, visited Ryerson University last week and spoke with President Lachemi about Ryerson’s future in Brampton and its Cybersecure Catalyst initiative.

Our Federal Liberal Government understands the importance of cybersecurity in an increasingly digital world.  Ralph Goodale, Minster for National Security and Emergency Preparedness stating, “from commercial supply chains to the critical infrastructure that underpins our economy and our society, the risks in the cyber world have multiplied, accelerated, and grown increasingly malicious.” That is why our Government invested over $500 million over five years to fund a new National Cyber Security Strategy.

MP Sahota toured Ryerson’s DMZ alongside President Lachemi and received another key update on the Cybersecure Catalyst initiative – a not-for-profit corporation owned by Ryerson University, with key elements located in Brampton, supported by partnerships with the private and public sectors and committed to relentless collaboration in building the Canadian cybersecurity innovation ecosystem.

“My fellow Brampton MPs and I have been working tirelessly to support Ryerson’s Cybersecure Catalyst initiative and highlighting the Brampton advantage,” said MP Sahota. “Brampton has been designated an urban growth area and is Canada’s second fastest growing city with a young, highly educated, and highly skilled population. The city is strategically placed along the innovation corridor connecting Kitchener-Waterloo with Toronto, and sits right next to the largest international airport in Canada. Combined, these factors make Brampton a fantastic location for Ryerson’s Cybersecure Catalyst.”

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