South Asian Advisory Council Event

MP Sahota: Helping Newcomers Get Their Education and Experience Recognized

MP Sahota: Helping Newcomers Get Their Education and Experience Recognized

The Voice of Canada

Ruby Sahota, Member of Parliament for Brampton North is proud that Canada is recognized as an international leader in the settlement and integration of newcomers. However, MP Sahota is well aware that internationally trained newcomers to Canada often face challenges in getting their credentials recognized so that they can find good-quality jobs. MP Sahota and the Government of Canada are consulting on how best to help newcomers get their credentials recognized so that they can gain their first Canadian work experience and put their education and skills to work sooner in Canada.

South Asian Advisory Council Event

Patty Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, launched a Call for Concepts under the Foreign Credential Recognition (FCR) Program. The total funding for this Call for Concepts is up to $10 million, which will fund approximately 15 projects to help newcomers find work.

“The Government is seeking innovative and collaborative ideas from local organizations that address specific barriers to the integration of highly skilled newcomers into the Canadian labour market,” said MP Sahota. “Helping people, including internationally trained newcomers, find and keep good, well-paying jobs, is part of our government’s plan to grow our economy and strengthen the middle class.”

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