MPP Deepak Anand Announces Changes to Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program

MPP Deepak Anand Announces Changes to Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program

The Voice of Canada News:

MPP Deepak Anand made an announcement regarding changes to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP).

In Ontario, it is not uncommon for companies to have a shortage of skilled labours available to employ. For example, one trucking company indicated that they had 20 trucks that sat idle in their lot when they could have been transporting vital goods across the province. Many small and rural communities have also been hit especially hard recently and do not have enough people to work in their manufacturing businesses.

This is why the provincial government has reached out to the federal government to discuss allowing more immigrants to come via the OINP. The OINP is an immigration program that allows them to be nominated by the province for Permanent Residence provided that they contribute meaningfully to the provincial economy. 

The Conference Board of Canada has cited that immigrants will account for all of Canada’s net labour force growth—3.7 million workers—between 2018 and 2040. In light of this, the province has requested for an additional 1000 nominations in 2019 but only received 50 more. As a result, some of the program’s more popular job offerings were paused several times in 2019 as the program is oversubscribed as demand from businesses continues to outweigh our annual nominations.

We look forward to sitting down with the federal government to help meet the needs of Ontario’s job creators and help the province continue to be a strong engine for the national economy. 

The Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade has also made it easier for immigrants to move to Canada via the entrepreneur stream by reducing the required net worth and personal investment threshold.  This will help more entrepreneurial immigrants move to Ontario and aid in our growing economy as well as provide new jobs. If their proposed business will be located:

  • Within the Greater Toronto Area, they must have a minimum net worth of 800,000 CDN.
  • Outside of the Greater Toronto Area they must have a minimum net worth of $400,000 CDN.
  • If their proposed business communications sector then regardless of location, must have a minimum net worth of $400,000 CDN.

For businesses within the information and communications technology/digital communications sector, regardless of location, they must also make a minimum personal investment of $200,000 CDN and control at least one-third of the equity in the business.

MPP Anand also indicated changes in the OINP categories. New skilled worker categories such as truck drivers and personal support workers have been added as eligible occupations. Moreover, further occupations are currently being proposed under the program – especially in manufacturing.

Through Special Talent Referral Draws, the Ontario Government will help eligible employers get the unique and specialized talent they need, faster.

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