Ontario Government Supporting Municipalities and School Boards to Protect Front Line Services

39 municipalities and three school boards to conduct independent, financial reviews

The Voice of Canada News:

Thanks to the province’s Audit and Accountability Fund, all 39 municipalities and three school boards eligible for funding will be conducting independent reviews to find efficiencies, save taxpayer dollars and focus spending on vital programs and services that Ontarians rely on every day.

“Our government is working hard to build a foundation for our long-term prosperity and to achieve that it will be essential to work cooperatively with our municipal and education partners,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, President of the Treasury Board. “That’s why we established the Audit and Accountability Fund to give our partners the tools they need to conduct reviews of their books. I commend these municipalities and school boards for doing their part to build smarter government while making sure vital programs and services will be there when people need them.”

In May 2019, the government established the Audit and Accountability Fund for large urban municipalities and district school boards. The fund provided access of up to $8.15 million so school board and municipalities could conduct focused reviews of their programs and services.

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