Ontario Leads National Job Growth in September

Government Delivering on Promise to Create and Protect Good Jobs

The Voice of Canada News:

The Ontario government is making Ontario open for business and open for jobs, and the results show its economic plan is working.

Statistics Canada announced this morning that employment in Ontario increased by 41,100 in September. Since June 2018, employment in Ontario has risen by 272,400.

“We will continue to ensure that we are creating a stable and competitive business environment where good jobs are created, and employers are given the opportunity to grow and prosper here,” said Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. “Creating good jobs is top priority for us.”

Ensuring Ontario is the best place to invest and do business is a key part of the government’s plan to make Ontario open for business and open for jobs. According to the recent Global Location Trends 2019 report by IBM, Ontario is the North American leader in the number of new jobs created based on foreign direct investment (FDI).

“By supporting our job creators and reducing our regulatory and tax burden, we are laying the foundation for a growing economy that will benefit Ontario families and businesses.”

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