Ontario Takes First Step Towards Provincial Forestry Strategy

Ontario Takes First Step Towards Provincial Forestry Strategy

The Voice of Canada News:

Province Will Listen to People of Ontario on How to Attract Investment, Create Jobs in Forestry Sector Starting in November, Ontario’s Government for the People will hold roundtables and gather online feedback to help the province lay out a strategy for promoting economic growth within the forestry sector.

“A provincial forestry strategy is an important first step in unleashing the potential of Ontario’s forest industry,” said Jeff Yurek, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry. “We are creating the conditions that help the forestry industry to innovate, attract investment and create jobs and prosperity for the North and for all communities that depend on the sector. Working together with industry stakeholders we will send a message to the world that Ontario is open for business.”

The first roundtable session will be in November in Sault Ste. Marie, followed by additional sessions in the new year in Kitchener, Kenora, Kapuskasing, North Bay, Thunder Bay, Pembroke, and Timmins.

Ontario’s forest industry is an important driver of the province’s economy, generating more than $15 billion in revenues and supporting 150,000 direct and indirect jobs in 260 communities across the province.

“Ontario’s wood and wood products are recognized around the world as coming from forests with the highest standard of forest management anywhere,” said Yurek. “Sustainable forest management helps Ontario’s forests remain healthy and productive, grows our economy and provides people with jobs.”

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