Ontario Takes Next Step to Improve Animal Protection

Province Launches Public Survey; Acts to Ensure No Animal Falls Through the Cracks

The Voice of Canada News| May 17, 2019

Ontario’s Government is working to improve the animal welfare system to make sure it is more robust, transparent and accountable. As this work proceeds, the government wants to hear from the people of Ontario. 

public survey has been posted online to ensure everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts to help improve animal welfare. This feedback will directly inform Ontario’s new model.

In the 2019 Ontario Budget, Protecting What Matters Most, the government promised to review existing legislation to ensure appropriate measures are in place to provide animals with the protections they deserve and Ontarians expect.

“Protecting animals is important to the people of Ontario, and it’s important to me,” said Sylvia Jones, Solicitor General. “Our government has always maintained that the system can be made more robust, transparent, and accountable. While work is already underway to introduce a better system, I’m counting on the people of Ontario to share their ideas, feedback, and concern as part of our public survey.”

In addition to the public survey, the government today posted a regulation intended to help ensure no animals fall through the cracks during the transition to the new enforcement model.

This regulation will provide options to ensure effective enforcement until the new model is implemented. The regulation enables affiliates of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA), such as local humane societies, to continue enforcement should they wish to do so.

“A number of OSPCA affiliates stepped forward to offer their continued assistance as we work towards a new, permanent enforcement model,” said Jones. “Our government wants to empower these affiliates to continue protecting animals as we develop a new model. This work cannot be rushed, and animal protection is too important not to get right. This is a temporary solution to fill in the gaps while we transition to a new model.”

To report an animal in distress or suspected animal abuse, you can:

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