Peel Regional Police – Meet Peels Newest 4-Legged Crime Fighter – K9 Riggs

Peel Regional Police – Meet Peels Newest 4-Legged Crime Fighter – K9 Riggs

Meet Peels Newest 4-Legged Crime Fighter – K9 Riggs

The Voice of Canada News:

In February 2020, the Peel Regional Police Canine Unit began a selection process to fill a vacancy left by a retiring member, PSD Diesel.  As with every part of daily life during the Covid-19 pandemic, this selection process was not business as usual.  From applicant interviews and obstacle course time trials, to the sourcing and selection of potential dogs, everything was slow and cautious to ensure the safety of everyone involved.  However, like most things in life, hard work, patience and dedication eventually pay off.

One of the toughest parts of the process was locating a working dog that could meet the high standards of the unit, as we could not obtain a dog from our usual overseas vendors. After reaching out to a number of contacts throughout the industry, it was a retired Peel Police Canine Trainer that came through by sourcing a 2-year-old male Belgian Malinois from Quebec.  After trialing a number of dogs already, our Trainers were cautiously optimistic, but were immediately impressed with the intelligence and drive displayed by this new canine.  After two weeks of foundation work, environmental testing and a comprehensive medical exam, this new dog was approved to become the unit’s newest recruit.  Meanwhile, a very competitive process was also underway to select the Officer that would hold the leash.  With only one spot available and numerous quality applicants, it was a dogfight right to the end, which resulted in Constable Danielle Sterns emerging as the successful candidate. 

Danielle entered the policing profession as a member of the Peel Regional Police Cadet program and within a year was hired as a Constable.  Over the next 10 years she worked hard to advance her career, gaining knowledge and experience in a number of postings, including 22 Division Foot Patrol, Neighbourhood Policing Unit, Criminal Investigations Bureau, and most recently in the Homicide and Missing Persons Bureau.  Throughout this journey, she always kept her eye on the position she ultimately wanted, Canine Handler.  Hard work, patience and dedication pay off.

Within a week, Constable Sterns was issued her new uniform and her new partner, who she named Riggs (1980’s cop movie reference).  Over the next four months our Canine Trainers, Constable Mike anderson and Constable Kerry Gillard, worked tirelessly with this new team to ensure they were ready to serve and protect the citizens of Peel Region. 

On October 29, 2020, Chief Duraiappah presented PSD Riggs with his police badge, officially recognizing him as a member of the Peel Regional Police Service. Congratulations Danielle and Riggs, make us proud.

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