Persons Day: Statement from Premier Notley

Persons Day: Statement from Premier Notley

The Voice of Canada News:

Premier Rachel Notley issued the following statement, as Canadians mark Persons Day:

“It’s been less than a century since the Persons Case. Just one lifetime ago, Canadian women were denied many of the basic rights and privileges we take for granted today.

“That changed because five women from Alberta dared to challenge injustice. We all live in the society they helped create.

“However, what they achieved was far from perfect. Those new freedoms were still denied to certain groups, including Indigenous women.

“Determined people eventually changed that, too. Now, it’s up to all of us to keep progress moving forward.

“The Government of Alberta is doing its part. We created the province’s first stand-alone Ministry of Status of Women to support gender equality. We’ve raised the minimum wage to $15 per hour, helping women who make up the majority of low-income earners.

“We’re expanding affordable child care, which is the single most effective way to close the gender wage gap. We increased resources for survivors of sexual and domestic violence, so women can live free from fear.

“And in just three years, we’ve transformed Alberta’s public boardrooms. For the first time, more than half of public agency board positions are held by women.


“Injustice hasn’t been conquered. Women in many groups still face steep disadvantages, so the struggle continues. Equality demands nothing less. On Persons Day, I hope that all Albertans can take a moment to remember how far we’ve come and to reflect on the work that still needs to be done.”

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