Premier Doug Ford Calls for Unity and Collaboration with the Federal Government at Premiers’ Meeting

Premier Doug Ford Calls for Unity and Collaboration with the Federal Government at Premiers’ Meeting

Successful Council of the Federation Meeting Wraps Up

The Voice of Canada News:

Premier Doug Ford joined Canada’s provincial and territorial leaders at the Council of the Federation meeting in Ontario to discuss how governments across Canada can work together with the federal government on priorities that matter to all Canadians.

“I was honoured to co-host my fellow Premiers with Saskatchewan Premier and Council of the Federation Chair Scott Moe to roll up our sleeves and get to work for the people of this country,” said Premier Ford. “The provinces may have disagreements, but there is more common ground to be had than not. We need to show the world that Canada is strong and united.”

The agenda for the meeting of Canada’s Premiers included discussions on infrastructure, health care, and economic development, including enhancing economic competitiveness and expanding international trade. Premier Ford joined his fellow Premiers in calling on the federal government to fund the building of critical infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and transit, to get people and goods moving. Ontario is making the single largest capital investment in new subway builds in Canadian history and the province has submitted over 350 projects to the federal government’s Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.

The Council of the Federation also continued to call on the federal government to increase the Canada Health Transfer by 5.2 per cent annually in order to provide the provinces with the flexibility needed to deliver the care patients need and deserve.

Ontario further committed to work with provincial and territorial partners to create an environment that supports growth and job creation in every region of the country. The Premiers agreed to reduce the regulatory burden on people and businesses and to knock down barriers to trade, and reiterated their commitment to growing the Canadian economy.

“I want to thank Premier Moe for chairing a very productive meeting of Canada’s Premiers,” said Premier Ford. “I look forward to continuing to work with my fellow Premiers and the Prime Minister at the next First Ministers’ Meeting to deliver prosperity for people in every community across the country.”

Quick Facts

The Council of the Federation was established in 2003 to strengthen ties and foster a constructive relationship among Canada’s Premiers and with the federal government.

Ontario recently created a Council on Provincial-Federal Relations, which will collaborate with the federal government to deliver on important projects and shared priorities, such as infrastructure, health care and economic growth.

Premier Ford is the Chair of the Council on Provincial-Federal Relations.

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