Premier Ford Congratulates Premier-designate Kenney of Alberta

Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement following the provincial election in Alberta:

“Last night’s decisive result is another sign that Canadians are choosing a new path forward, a path of prosperity, growth and jobs.

This also marks the latest clear defeat for carbon tax advocates. The anti-carbon tax alliance is growing stronger by the month. 

The government of Alberta will now stand with the governments of Ontario, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Manitoba in opposing the federal government’s intrusive, unconstitutional and unfair imposition of a job-killing carbon tax on workers, seniors, small businesses and families.

I look forward to working with Alberta’s next premier in putting the people first. The federal government is imposing a job-killing carbon tax that damages the economy and makes life unaffordable for families, workers and job creators. We will fight this unconstitutional tax with every tool at our disposal. Today we have one more partner in that fight.

Alberta has a friend in Ontario. I look forward to working with Alberta’s new government to promote economic development across Canada. Our governments will work together to create and protect jobs. This means getting pipelines and essential infrastructure built. It also means reducing needless red tape and barriers to trade within Canada. It means ensuring that not only Ontario and Alberta, but all of Canada, are open for business and open for jobs.

Last night, the people of Alberta chose a pro-business, pro-jobs government. We stand united with Premier-designate Kenney and all our friends in Alberta in fighting for what matters most to the people of Ontario, Alberta and Canada.”

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