Premier Ford Welcomes Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to Ontario

Premiers focused on growing the economy and fighting the job-killing carbon tax

The Voice of Canada News

Premier Doug Ford welcomed newly sworn-in Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to Queen’s Park for a working meeting to discuss issues of high priority for people in both provinces.

“Premier Kenney and I stand shoulder to shoulder in our goal to make our provinces open for business and open for jobs,” said Ford. “Ontario and Alberta are united in the fight to end the job-killing carbon tax, cut red tape and make sure Canada’s natural resources get to market.”

Ford and Kenney reiterated their concern about the potentially devastating economic impacts of Bill C-69, the federal government’s proposed legislation that would grind new resource development and the energy sector to a halt across Canada. Ontario and Alberta will continue to stand up for the workers and families affected by the bill, which would kill thousands of potential jobs.

“After an historic election victory, Alberta is open for business once again and we are proud to have the province of Ontario as allies in our fight against policies that work to undermine our vital economic interests,” said Kenney. “I look forward to working closely with Premier Ford to create jobs, grow our economy and get a fair price for our natural resources.”

Both premiers said they were looking forward to working together to ensure Ontario and Alberta’s priorities are brought forward at the Council of the Federation summer meeting in Saskatoon.


Key sectors of Ontario’s economy include manufacturing, service, agriculture, forestry and mining.

Alberta’s diverse resource portfolio includes natural gas, conventional oil, coal, minerals and the Alberta oil sands.

Alberta is Canada’s leading oil refining and petrochemical manufacturer, shipping supplies to North American and international markets.

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