Premier’s statement on New Year’s Day

Premier John Horgan has issued the following statement marking New Year’s Day 2019

The Voice of Canada News:

“The beginning of a new year is a time to look forward to all the opportunities that lie ahead of us, while taking stock of the accomplishments and challenges of the past year. We resolve to do better. We set new goals.

“Looking back on 2018, this government made investing in people a priority. We’ve been tackling the housing crisis, delivering affordable child care and making sure there is quality health care for everyone who needs it. We also introduced the Clean BC climate action plan to put B.C. on the path to a cleaner, better future, while creating jobs and opportunities for all British Columbians.

“This coming year, our government will continue to put people first. Many more affordable housing initiatives throughout the province will open or break ground. All 10 urgent primary health-care centres will be operational and welcoming patients by the spring. We will also see families continue to benefit from the Affordable Child Care Benefit and fee reductions.

“In 2019, we will continue creating a strong, sustainable economy that benefits everyone, to make life more affordable for families and to improve the services people rely on.

“On behalf of the Government of British Columbia, I wish you all a happy new year!”

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