Statement by Minister Wilson on the U.S. s. 232 National Security Investigation

The Voice of Canada News:

TORONTO – Today, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Jim Wilson issued the following statement:

“Later this week, I will be travelling to Washington, D.C. during which time I will be vigorously advocating for the Canadian and American jobs that depend on our historic trading relationship.  I will be accompanied by Mr. Dean French, Chief of Staff to the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford.

Our Government for the People stands with the Government of Canada, and we will continue to work with our provincial counterparts and Ontario’s businesses and workers to protect Ontario jobs and build a stronger economy for the future. Our message has been and will continue to be: Ontario is Open for Business.

The U.S. Department of Commerce will be holding a public hearing on the section 232 national security investigation of imports of automobiles and automotive parts. As the Government of Ontario’s representative at this hearing, I look forward to speaking in defence of Ontario’s auto industry and the economic benefits it delivers in both the U.S. and Canada.

The U.S. and Ontario share a unique economic relationship grounded in fair and balanced trade, integrated supply chains and complementary markets.

It is clear that Ontario is not a national security risk to the United States. In fact, the U.S. and Ontario share many of the same goals — together, we can advance our shared priorities of creating jobs on both sides of the border by developing strong, competitive business environments that spur innovation and growth.

Ontario is open for business and we look forward to working with our American neighbours to create new jobs and better jobs for us all.”

Minister Wilson will be speaking at the Department of Commerce’s section 232 hearing on autos on the afternoon of July 19, 2018.

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