Take your family on a Journey of BC Food at the PNE

The Voice of Canada News

An end-of-summer of tradition is underway with the opening of the 109th Pacific National Exhibition (PNE).

For the first time, fairgoers will be able to visit the Journey of BC Food exhibit, a new installation that celebrates B.C. agriculture and food.

The exhibit, part of the Province’s Buy BC program, is located inside the PNE’s agriculture barn. Here, guests will be taken on a visual journey to learn about where their food comes from and the connections from farm to table.

“I am so excited that families attending the PNE will be able take this journey together and hear from our incredible B.C. agriculture sector about the work that goes into producing B.C. food,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture. “No matter how you slice it, local food tastes better. Thanks to the PNE and the Buy BC program, the Journey of BC Food exhibit will highlight the importance of the B.C. agriculture sector to local communities, local economies and B.C.’s long-term food security priorities.”

The PNE began in 1910 and agriculture education has been at the heart of the fair since the beginning. Each decade, the PNE has updated the agricultural component of the fair’s programming to ensure that the importance of agriculture and its role in educating urban British Columbians about the province’s deep agricultural roots are understood. 

“Presenting authentic agriculture stories and education around the production of food has never been more vital, and the PNE is honoured to have worked with the Ministry of Agriculture in building the Journey of BC Food exhibit,” said Shelley Frost, president and CEO, PNE. “We are excited to share the knowledge it will provide our guests and the PNE is proud to support local producers, who are at the core of building community and shaping our future.”

The Journey of BC Food exhibit takes each guest through the unique farm-to-table story of eight of the province’s primary agriculture products. The exhibit features many interactive activities, including a digital map created by BC Agriculture in the Classroom, children’s activities and a Buy BC photo booth.

To celebrate the opening of the exhibit, 4-H BC members were invited to build educational displays on the topic of the Journey of BC Food and the benefits of supporting the B.C. agriculture industry. 4-H BC is a youth development program for youth aged six to 21 years, with a focus on knowledge, leadership, citizenship and personal development. The educational displays will be showcased as part of the 4-H Festival at the PNE.

Quick Facts:

  • A key mandate of the Ministry of Agriculture is to increase the awareness and purchase of B.C. agriculture and seafood products through the Buy BC program.
  • An important component of the program is to help build the local food literacy of B.C. consumers through the delivery of activities that promote the availability of local food in the province.
  • The Journey of BC exhibit is at the PNE until Sept 2, 2019. 
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