Tourism: A key sector in planning Laurentides region’s economic recovery

Tourism: A key sector in planning Laurentides region’s economic recovery

The Voice of Canada News:

Around the world, tourism was one of the first industries affected by the pandemic; it will also be one of the last to be able to return to full working order. A pillar of the Canadian economy that generates $102 billion a year and represents 4% of all jobs (or the equivalent of 1.8 million workers), tourism is a major vector to diversify and develop the economy.

Entrepreneurs in this sector— composed mostly of SMEs—have demonstrated resiliency, creativity and adaptability since the crisis began. To support them, the Government of Canada, through Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED), is signalling its presence with an investment of $2.5M to boost tourism in Grenville.

Investing in tourism attractions in Laurentides region

Once conditions are favourable, the country’s economic recovery can only happen with the support of the tourism sector. To be ready to welcome tourists, we must continue to invest in regional attractions and establishments. With this in mind, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages, accompanied by Stéphane Lauzon, Member of Parliament for Argenteuil–La Petite-Nation and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Seniors, today announced Government of Canada financial support for the Municipalité du Village de Grenville. The assistance provided by CED through the Quebec Economic Development Program will enable the municipality to repair the Grenville canal and create a multifunctional public space to enhance the site’s attractiveness for recreational and tourism activities. The project will lead to the creation of five jobs.

Helping tourism organizations make it through the crisis

Since the start of the crisis, the Government of Canada has been supporting organizations in the tourism industry, including through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF), deployed in Quebec by CED and its collaborators. As a reminder, the RRRF has made it possible to provide funding and technical support to businesses and organizations to help them maintain their activities. In this way, with the help of Sociétés d’aide au développement des collectivités (SADCs), Centres d’aide aux entreprises (CAEs) and PME MTL, 1167 organizations in Quebec’s tourism sector have received contributions through the RRRF totalling over $44 million. Thanks to this measure, some 9400 jobs have been maintained.

The tourism industry, which plays a crucial role in the economic, social and cultural life of communities, represents an essential link in regional economic development. Through this support, the Government of Canada is attesting to its commitment to prepare the field for after the pandemic with a view to rebuilding a stronger, more resilient and more just economy for all.


“The tourism industry has been hit hard by the pandemic, and the Government of Canada is committed to accompanying key players as they prepare to rebound vigorously after the economic crisis. We have been here since the start of this unprecedented situation, with concrete measures, and we will be here to support tourism as the health situation evolves. We must plan the economic recovery, which can only happen with the contribution of players in the tourism community, so that we can get off to a new start together and be stronger and more resilient.”-The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Member of Parliament for Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for CED

“The CED assistance announced today highlights our willingness to support the tourism industry and our commitment to Canadian businesses, organizations and citizens in these difficult times. The financial contribution granted to the Municipalité du Ville de Grenville is very good news for the Laurentides region and its attractiveness. Thanks to Government of Canada investments in the tourism industry, we are ensuring we will be ready to receive tourists from home, and then from around the world!”- Stéphane Lauzon, Member of Parliament for Argenteuil–La Petite-Nation and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Seniors

“I would like to highlight CED’s excellent partnership and involvement with Tourisme Laurentides and tourism businesses in our region. I salute the contribution being announced by the Honourable Mélanie Joly to showcase this historic heritage attraction following the initiative of the Municipalité du Village de Grenville. With tourism as a major engine for economic development in the Laurentides, the third largest tourism region in Quebec after Montréal and Québec, these investments will help enhance our regional tourism offering, especially in the current context and in the spirit of kickstarting our economy.”- François Peloquin, President, Tourisme Laurentides

“I sincerely thank the Government of Canada for this announcement. Thanks to this assistance of $2.5M, combined with provincial support in the same amount, the municipality will finally be able to realize the project to rehabilitate the canal, evaluated at $5M. This project—which mainly involves repairing and strengthening the canal’s retaining walls and adding loading docks and a promenade—will become a recreational and tourism attraction centred around navigation, cycling tourism and the historical interpretation of this jewel of our heritage.”- Pierre Thauvette, Mayor, Municipalité du Village de Grenville

Quick facts

  • CED is a key federal partner in Quebec’s regional economic development. With its 12 business offices, CED is present to accompany Quebec businesses, supporting organizations and regions into tomorrow’s economy.
  • The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages, is the minister responsible for the six regional development agencies (RDAs), including CED.
  • Recognizing the importance of the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) in supporting local tourism businesses, the Government of Canada proposed as part of the Fall Economic Statement (November 2020) an additional $500 million for RDAs.
  • Total funding for the RRRF sits at over $2 billion, and at least 25% of this amount will be granted to boost local tourism businesses, representing over $500 million in support to kickstart tourism by June 2021.
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