Alberta recognized for progress on red tape

Alberta recognized for progress on red tape

The Voice of Canada News:

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business has upgraded Alberta from an F to a B-minus for its work tackling red tape over the last seven months.

After three years of failing grades, this is the first year the Alberta government has received a positive grade. The grade coincides with CFIB’s Red Tape Awareness Week, an event dedicated to raising awareness of red tape that impedes businesses and job creators at all three levels of government.

“I thank the Canadian Federation of Independent Business for recognizing our work to cut the unnecessary red tape that has been affecting the growth of Alberta’s economy. We made a commitment to do this and this grade is evidence that we’re on the right track.” – Premier Jason Kenney

Since the formation of the Associate Ministry of Red Tape Reduction in June 2019, numerous actions have been taken across government to address Alberta’s red tape problems.

Moves that have had a direct and positive result on Albertans include:

  • Reducing delays for forest management agreements and small-scale and low-impact hydroelectric developments.
  • Making it easier to provide consent for organ donation through the online registry.
  • Reclassifying and harmonizing oil well service rigs
  • Relaxing alcohol consumption rules for parks, campgrounds and festivals.
  • Introducing the use of e-transfers and multi-year grant agreements to reduce the administrative burden on non-profits so they can focus on delivering programs and services.

“For three straight years, the previous government received a failing grade from the CFIB for their inaction on addressing red tape in Alberta. Now, we received a B-minus – our best grade yet. I’m pleased with our progress, but know there is more work to do to make Alberta one of the freest and fastest moving economies in the world.”Grant Hunter, Associate Minister of Red Tape Reduction

“The Alberta government has taken quick action on reducing time-consuming, stressful and needless government regulations. Moving from a failing grade to B- recognizes the government does believe in the importance of accountability and developing a measurement to quantify Alberta’s regulatory burden.”

Laura Jones, executive vice-president, Canadian Federation of Independent Business

Last year, the Associate Ministry established industry panels to leverage expert advice from leaders in each sector of Alberta’s economy. Input from Albertans will continue to be sought on website and through engagement with small groups.

“Our association applauds the efforts of the Alberta government to streamline regulations for our industry. The Premier’s leadership and determination to improve competitiveness is refreshing. The recent regulatory reforms for service rigs have reduced unnecessary red tape and gets more rigs working in the field.”

Mark Scholz, president and CEO, Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors

“We are pleased with the progress made on the current government’s red tape reduction initiative thus far. Changes such as extending leases on public lands, allowing site-wide liquor licensing at hotels, and streamlining rules and training for health and safety are all positive for growing Alberta’s tourism and hospitality industry.”Dave Kaiser, president and CEO, Alberta Hotel & Lodging Association

“CAPP supports the Alberta government’s commitment to reducing red tape. This is an important effort to create jobs and attract investment to our industry and province. We look forward to continuing to work with the government on this valuable initiative.”Tim McMillan, president and CEO, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

“I certainly support our government’s efforts to reduce red tape. In coordination with the AGLC, they completed comprehensive diligence, agreed policy updates were required, and expeditiously eliminated the undue red tape – ­enhancing the customer experience for guests at Pedal Pub Calgary. The real win here is that our city and province are truly open for business.”David Skabar, co-founder, Pedal Pub Calgary

Alberta has declared Jan. 20-24 Red Tape Reduction Awareness Week.

Quick facts

  • To date, has received more than 4,500 submissions.
  • Ministries are currently taking inventory and analyzing the regulatory burden imposed on Albertans and businesses, modernizing regulation requirements, processes, forms and policies, and eliminating those that are unnecessary.
  • The Canadian Federation of Independent Business estimates that in 2017, the cost for businesses in Alberta to comply with regulations was about $4.4 billion.
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