BC: Premier’s statement on Vancouver Pride

BC: Premier’s statement on Vancouver Pride

The Voice of Canada News:

Premier John Horgan has issued the following statement to mark Vancouver Pride:

“Pride began as a protest. And that work continues, as many LGBTQ2S+ people around the world still fight for basic rights that many people take for granted: equal marriage, access to adoption, legal protections for gender expression and gender identity.

“This time last year, Vancouver was getting ready to welcome over 650,000 people on its streets marching in support of the annual Pride parade. This year, Vancouver Pride Week has looked a bit different due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I know that losing the opportunity to come together in person in recognition, celebration and solidarity has been incredibly difficult.

“Many people continue to be targeted with harassment and discrimination because of their gender or sexuality. Our government has taken some first steps to making our province more inclusive for LGBTQ and two-spirit people, including teaching sexual orientation and gender identity inclusive education, re-establishing the human rights commission and implementing a gender-X option for provincial identification.

“As we mark the Vancouver Pride parade virtually this year, I hope everyone takes this opportunity to learn more about LGTBQ2S+ history, celebrate how far we’ve come and recognize how far we have to go.

Pride cannot be cancelled.

“Together, we will build a province where everyone can live without fear of violence or discrimination, where everyone can take pride in who they are.”

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