Statement by Premier Ford and Minister Smith

The Voice of Canada News

This afternoon, Premier Doug Ford and Todd Smith, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, issued the following statement regarding the lifting of U.S. Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs:

“This is a good day for our steel and aluminum sectors, the province and our workers,” said Ford. “Since day one, our government has been calling on the federal government to get a deal that secures the removal of the U.S. Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs. We are pleased that Canada was able to get it done.”

Premier Ford and Minister Smith are working with the federal government and industry stakeholders to better understand the proposed agreement and potential impacts for Ontario.

“For nearly a year, Ontario’s steel and aluminum sectors, and our workers, have faced uncertainty due to these tariffs,” said Smith. “Our government has been working tirelessly to secure an end to these unjust tariffs, and we are relieved they have finally come to an end.”

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